Sexual Health & Well-Being Requires Human Rights

Enhance your knowledge on/about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and Sexual & Reproductive Rights

Course Information

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gShe gShe Author

Sexual Health & Well-Being


Enroll in the course to enhance your knowledge and understanding of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, and the Human Rights.

What Others Have Said

Universal Declaration of human right
By: bihkaren91

I learnt that UDHR was created by the UN general assembly to set fundamental human rights protection which they further develop 30 articles that provide principles, the building blocks of current and future human rights conventions. These basic rights are based on values such as dignity etc . Also UDHR adoption has lead to many changes in the society such as freedom of expression and equal treatment under the law.

Human rights
By: ngongangangjoytewah

I learnt that human rights are those rights that we have just because we are human beings and it is how you expect to be treated as a person like the right to live freely.Also,I got to understand that each and everyone of us has beliefs which includes values and altitudes that has to do with the body,sexuality and intimate relationships.

Know your RIGHTs
By: audreylitzybaakeut

I clearly understand that it is imperative that individuals be able to exercise control over their Rights, being it sexual, political or civil without fear or discrimination.knowing your bias is vital for a good living Therfore without adequate protection for human rights individuals sexual and reproductive health could be compromised leading to negative outcomes.

Do not be undermine by anyone
By: musiroberta7

From this course it clearly shows that most of us have allowed people to undermine us because we fear to stand for our own rights we should learn first to be able to defend ourselves in the society know your rights so u can help yourself and those around you

By: Hopy💖💞🎓💞💝

I learnt that human rights are those basic rights and freedom that is entitled to everyone in the world from birth still death irrespective of your belief, social status, the color of your skin and even your gender. This rights are inalienable and are not granted by any state or country but are subjected to all human beings

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