Enhance your knowledge on/about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and Sexual & Reproductive Rights
Course Instructor
Sexual Health & Well-Being
Enroll in the course to enhance your knowledge and understanding of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, and the Human Rights.
What Others Have Said
I have learned from this course that human ,rights are basic rights and freedom that every person in the world has form birth till death no matter who they are
Sexual health and well being
I have learnt in this course that every Human have rights,wether African, Asian,American,etc.some of these rights includes, Right to Live,Right to Good Education, Rights to speak freely, etc.And every individual should be free to Excericise these rights without fear or shame.This is the way we will live and grow a society of Freedom, Love,Fairness and peace.
Human rights are the basics of an individual regardless of his or her community or background. Knowing your rights enable you to know how to behave in certain communities and where ever you found your self Knowing your rights make you know your limits in a country. Knowing your rights would enable you to avoid errors with State authorities Also, it helps you know what you as a s citizen is suppose to do and not to do.
I have learnt that it is important to know your rights as a human being to be able to defend your self in the society. Not to have fear or be undermined by anyone, this rights helps us to know the direction in which we are to take in life. Helping us to identify ourselves in the society.